
Cheap tickets for Sao Tome and Principe

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PlaneJourney finds and compares airfares to Sao Tome and Principe from 1093 airlines from around the world. You can’t buy airline tickets on our site, but you can find the lowest prices and special offers with no extra fees or surcharges. Find the cheapest tickets to Sao Tome and Principe with PlaneJourney. Sao Tome and Principe has a population of around 219,000 people.

Major cities and airports in Sao Tome and Principe

  1. São Tomé – São Tomé International Airport (TMS)
  2. Príncipe – Príncipe Airport (PCP)

Time and Communication

Sao Tome and Principe is in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone and does not observe daylight saving time. The main mobile operators in the country include CST and Unitel STP. The call quality is generally good, but coverage may vary in remote areas. Cell phone coverage is available in most populated areas of the country.

Money and shopping

The local currency of Sao Tome and Principe is the Sao Tome and Principe Dobra (STN). The exchange rate is subject to market fluctuations. Payment in other currencies is not commonly accepted. Credit card payments are increasingly accepted in larger hotels and restaurants, with Visa being the most widely accepted card. However, it is advisable to carry cash, especially when visiting smaller establishments or remote areas. Currency exchange offices are typically available at banks, hotels, and airports, and operate during regular business hours.


Common transportation options in Sao Tome and Principe include taxis, shared minibuses, and rental cars. Taxis can be found in the main cities and can be booked through local companies. Shared minibuses, known as “microlets,” are a popular and affordable way to travel between towns. Rental cars are available, but it is important to note that road conditions may be challenging, especially during the rainy season.

Touristic attractions

  • Obo National Park – A lush park spanning both islands, known for its diverse flora and fauna, waterfalls, and hiking trails.
  • Boca do Inferno – A striking natural blowhole on the coast of São Tomé, where the sea rushes through a narrow passage and shoots up into the air.
  • Roca São João dos Angolares – A historic plantation house turned into a boutique hotel and restaurant, offering a glimpse into the country’s colonial past.
  • Praia Banana – A picturesque crescent-shaped beach on the island of Príncipe, perfect for swimming and relaxation.
  • Forte de São Sebastião – A well-preserved 16th-century fortress and museum in São Tomé, offering panoramic views of the city and the ocean.
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