
About us is an aggregator that allows you to find the most affordable flight offers from airlines, ticket agencies, and reservation systems.

With, you can compare prices and purchase tickets from various airlines such as American Airlines, British Airways, Emirates, and from such agencies as Expedia, Airtickets, Tripair, Onetravel. offers lower airfare prices as we neither sell tickets nor other services, and we don’t charge a commission for the search. is not a ticket agency or an airline. Our service merely compares flight costs from different providers and offers you the most affordable options.

Our search extends everywhere

Our search spans the globe. To locate flight tickets, we utilize data from a multitude of reservation systems, a broad range of travel agencies, and nearly a thousand airlines. This extensive network of sources composes one of the most comprehensive databases of air tickets worldwide.

What sets us apart

Unlike other well-known international search engines, platform has been specially designed for use worldwide in English. Hence, our service finds the most cost-effective air tickets globally.

We’re not after the quantity of connected airlines and agencies. We immediately disconnect agents who provide non-current prices or airlines that are experiencing difficulties. Our service only includes reliable air ticket providers. does not sell air tickets or tourist services!

Our service merely compares prices on airline and agency websites. You handle ticket and service booking independently on third-party websites. does not have access to air ticket booking information.

For urgent matters after purchasing air tickets, we recommend contacting the airline or the ticket agency where you made your purchase.

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