
Cheap tickets for Paraguay

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PlaneJourney finds and compares airfares to Paraguay from 1093 airlines from around the world. You can’t buy airline tickets on our site, but you can find the lowest prices and special offers with no extra fees or surcharges. Find the cheapest tickets to Paraguay with PlaneJourney. Paraguay has an estimated population of approximately 7 million people.

Major cities and airports in Paraguay

  1. Asunción – Silvio Pettirossi International Airport (ASU)
  2. Ciudad del Este – Guaraní International Airport (AGT)
  3. Encarnación – Teniente Amin Ayub González Airport (ENO)
  4. Pedro Juan Caballero – Dr. Augusto Roberto Fuster International Airport (PJC)
  5. Concepción – Teniente Col. Carmelo Peralta Airport (CIO)

Time and Communication

Paraguay is in the Paraguay Time (PYT) zone, which is UTC-4. The country observes daylight saving time, switching to Paraguay Summer Time (PYST) between October and March, which is UTC-3. The main mobile operators in Paraguay are Tigo, Claro, and Personal. Cell phone coverage is generally good in urban areas, but there may be limitations in remote or rural regions.

Money and shopping

The local currency in Paraguay is the Paraguayan Guarani (PYG). The exchange rate fluctuates, but as of September 2021, 1 USD was approximately equal to 6,879 PYG. US Dollars may be accepted in some tourist areas, but it is generally best to use the local currency. Payment by bank cards is common in larger cities and tourist areas, with Visa and Mastercard being the most widely accepted. American Express cards may not be accepted everywhere. Currency exchange offices can be found in major cities and typically operate during regular business hours.


Transportation options in Paraguay include buses, taxis, and shared taxis (known as “collectivos”). Domestic flights are also available for reaching remote regions. Rental cars are another option for travelers who prefer more flexibility when exploring the country, but it is important to note that road conditions can be challenging in some areas.

Touristic attractions

  • Asunción: The capital city of Paraguay, offering a mix of colonial architecture, museums, and vibrant nightlife.
  • Itaipu Dam: One of the world’s largest hydroelectric power plants, located on the border between Paraguay and Brazil.
  • Jesuit Missions of La Santísima Trinidad de Paraná and Jesús de Tavarangue: UNESCO World Heritage Sites featuring well-preserved ruins of 17th and 18th-century Jesuit missions.
  • Cerro Corá National Park: A beautiful park with diverse landscapes, including forests, savannas, and wetlands, as well as archaeological sites and historical landmarks from the Paraguayan War.
  • Ybycuí National Park: A stunning park known for its lush forests, waterfalls, and diverse flora and fauna, offering visitors a chance to enjoy nature and hike through picturesque trails.
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