
Cheap tickets for Palestine

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PlaneJourney finds and compares airfares to Palestine from 1093 airlines from around the world. You can’t buy airline tickets on our site, but you can find the lowest prices and special offers with no extra fees or surcharges. Find the cheapest tickets to Palestine with PlaneJourney. Palestine has an estimated population of around 5 million people.

Major cities and airports in Palestine

  1. Jerusalem – Atarot Airport (currently non-operational)
  2. Gaza City – Yasser Arafat International Airport (currently non-operational)

Time and Communication

Palestine is in the Eastern European Time Zone (EET), which is 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+2) during standard time, and 3 hours ahead (UTC+3) during daylight saving time. The main mobile operators in Palestine are Jawwal and Ooredoo. Cell phone coverage is generally good in urban areas, but may be limited in some rural regions.

Money and shopping

The local currency in Palestine is the Israeli Shekel (ILS), with 1 USD being approximately equal to 3.2 ILS. Payments in other currencies are not typically accepted. Payment by bank cards is common in larger cities and tourist areas, but smaller businesses may only accept cash. American Express cards are not widely accepted. Currency exchange offices can be found in major cities and typically operate during regular business hours.


Transportation options in Palestine include buses, taxis, and shared taxis (known as “service” or “servees” in Arabic). In the West Bank, buses and shared taxis are the primary means of public transportation. In Gaza, taxis and shared taxis are the most common means of transportation.

Touristic attractions

  • Old City of Jerusalem: A UNESCO World Heritage site featuring historical and religious landmarks such as the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Dome of the Rock.
  • Bethlehem: The birthplace of Jesus, according to Christian tradition, and home to the Church of the Nativity and Manger Square.
  • Hebron: An ancient city in the West Bank, home to the Tomb of the Patriarchs, a holy site for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
  • Jericho: One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, with archaeological sites dating back over 11,000 years.
  • Dead Sea: A salt lake bordering Palestine, Israel, and Jordan, known for its mineral-rich waters and mud, as well as its unique buoyancy due to high salt concentration.
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