
Cheap tickets for Palau

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PlaneJourney finds and compares airfares to Palau from 1093 airlines from around the world. You can’t buy airline tickets on our site, but you can find the lowest prices and special offers with no extra fees or surcharges. Find the cheapest tickets to Palau with PlaneJourney. Palau has a population of around 18,000 people.

Major cities and airports in Palau

  1. Koror – Roman Tmetuchl International Airport
  2. Melekeok – Melekeok Airstrip (domestic flights only)

Time and Communication

Palau is in the Palau Time Zone (PWT), which is 9 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+9). The country does not observe daylight saving time. There are two main mobile operators in Palau: Palau National Communications Corporation (PNCC) and Palau Telecoms. Call quality is generally good, and cell phone coverage is available in most populated areas and along main roads.

Money and shopping

The local currency in Palau is the United States Dollar (USD). Payments in other currencies are not typically accepted. Payment by bank cards is common, especially in tourist areas, but some smaller businesses may only accept cash. American Express cards are not widely accepted. Currency exchange offices can be found in Koror and operate during regular business hours.


Transportation options in Palau include rental cars, taxis, and boats. There is no public transportation system on the islands, so most visitors rely on rental cars or taxis to get around. Boats are used to travel between islands and to reach popular diving and snorkeling spots.

Touristic attractions

  • Rock Islands: A collection of limestone and coral islands featuring turquoise waters, lush vegetation, and unique wildlife. Many visitors explore the Rock Islands by kayak or take a boat tour.
  • Jellyfish Lake: A marine lake located on Eil Malk Island, where visitors can snorkel with millions of harmless golden jellyfish.
  • Ngardmau Waterfall: The tallest waterfall in Palau, surrounded by lush rainforest and accessible via a hiking trail.
  • Palau International Coral Reef Center: An aquarium and research facility showcasing the diverse marine life found in Palau’s coral reefs.
  • Belau National Museum: The oldest museum in Micronesia, featuring exhibits on Palauan history, culture, and natural environment.
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