PlaneJourney finds and compares airfares to Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Australia) from 1093 airlines from around the world. You can’t buy airline tickets on our site, but you can find the lowest prices and special offers with no extra fees or surcharges. Find the cheapest tickets to Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Australia) with PlaneJourney. The Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Australia) are uninhabited, only visited by scientists for research purposes.
Major cities and airports in Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Australia)
1. There are no major cities or airports on the Heard Island and McDonald Islands as these territories are uninhabited.
Time and Communication
The Heard Island and McDonald Islands operate on Australian Western Standard Time (AWST), which is GMT+8. The territory does not observe daylight saving time. Given their remote location and uninhabited status, there is limited telecommunications infrastructure.
Money and Shopping
As an uninhabited territory, there are no commercial facilities on the islands. Therefore, there is no local currency, no shops, and no banking facilities. Any expeditions to the islands must be fully self-sufficient.
Due to its remote location and sensitive environment, transportation to and within Heard Island and McDonald Islands is strictly controlled by the Australian Antarctic Division. Access is typically via ship, and movement around the islands is usually on foot or via small inflatable boats.
Touristic Attractions
The Heard Island and McDonald Islands are not tourist destinations due to their remote location and sensitive environment. Access is strictly controlled and is typically only granted for scientific research purposes.